Best Management Practices

Newly Published Best Management Practices (2024): 

We have recently published 5 NEW Best Management Practices Guides. You can find these BMPs below:

*NEW* Aquatic Invasive Plant Best Management Practices (2025):

We have recently published a Best Management Practices Guide on Aquatic Invasive Plants. It contains identification, lookalikes, biology and life cycle, habitat, distribution, pathways of spread, impacts, and control information for 24 aquatic invasive plant species. Download this BMP below:

Updated Technical Bulletins (2024 – 2025):

*Please note: our Invasive Plant Technical Bulletin Series are currently undergoing some updates and will be reposted gradually when the process has been completed. Stay tuned!


Best Management Practices Series

In recent years we have developed Best Management Practices (BMPs) guides for more than 20 different invasive plants in Ontario. Our BMPs provide you with a detailed background history of the plant, how to identify it and how to properly manage it.

The series promotes the use of integrated pest management to achieve effective control. Our BMPs are developed with the expert assistance of our Board of Directors, committees and broader network of invasive plant experts from across Ontario and beyond.

Invasive Plant Technical Bulletin Series

In 2017 the Early Detection & Rapid Response Network, along with a network of leading invasive plant management professionals created a series of documents to help ensure effective control of invasive plants across Ontario. In the following documents you will see the most widely utilized techniques for managing invasive plants in Ontario. This series has been written for land managers familiar with invasive plant control. For more comprehensive management advice, please consult the related BMP document, listed in in alphabetical order:

*Please note: our Invasive Plant Technical Bulletin Series are currently undergoing some updates and will be reposted gradually when the process has been completed. Stay tuned!

Updated in 2024

Updated in 2025


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