Become a Member

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The OIPC is an incorporated non-profit, multi-agency organization founded in April 2007 by a group of individuals and organizational representatives who saw the need for a coordinated provincial response to the growing threat of invasive plants. In order to fulfil our mandate, we depend on a strong membership base to raise awareness about the importance of invasive plants, assist in guiding our goals and objectives and vote on important issues.

For an annual fee, you can become a member of the OIPC. A membership entitles you to:

  • Regular updates and bulletins about invasive activities and initiatives
  • Discounts on OIPC-sponsored events
  • Voting privileges for a member-at-large to represent you on the OIPC Board
  • Voting privileges at our AGM regarding our auditor, audited statements, changes to our by-laws and changes to our Board of Directors
  • Opportunity to sit on any of our committees
  • Organization-level members have an opportunity for a position on the Board
  • And most importantly, a voice!
2022 Membership Prices
Membership Type1 Year5 YearsLifetime
Student/Retiree$20$50Not Available
Organization (Max 6 people)$120$400$1000

Member Information

If purchasing a organizational membership, please provide the organizations address.
(if applicable) (If you are not part of an organization, please input “Concerned Citizen”)
(if applicable)

Membership Details

Membership Type:*
Payment Method:*
You can pay with a credit card by selecting Paypal. No account is required.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.