Buckthorn is an invasive plant that has spread into our natural areas and can sometimes find its way into your garden. It displaces native plants by creating thick thickets and alters soil conditions. Buckthorn was intentionally introduced from Europe to create windbreaks and fencerows.
Want to learn more? Join us for our upcoming workshop! This online workshop will provide a broad overview of current Best Management Practices for Buckthorn.
Learn together with other dedicated individuals on our interactive virtual learning platform and earn a certificate in Common Buckthorn Best Management Practices from the Ontario Invasive Plant Council.
Created with input from experts in the field of invasive species management, this course will provide a basic introduction to Common Buckthorn, its biology, ID characteristics, and pathways of spread. Attendees will also be introduced to best practices for controlling buckthorn.
Guest Speaker

Iola Price is a retired biologist. She started her career as a wildlife biologist with the Canadian Wildlife Service, initially working on contaminant effects on fish-eating birds on the Great Lakes. Other exciting parts of her work included hacking Peregrine Falcons in an urban setting, being responsible for national coordination of programs on endangered species and transboundary wildlife and the CWS Latin American Program of contact and joint research with countries in Latin America.
She moved to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans as the Director, Aquaculture and Oceans Science. She co-chaired the fed.-prov. committee writing the National Code on Introduction and Transfer of Aquatic Organisms and at various times was responsible for national coordination of programs on biological and physical oceanography, salmonid and new species aquaculture research and Canada’s fish health program.
Her volunteer work has included being a member and then chair of the Ottawa Forests and Greenspace Advisory Committee and was the President of the OIPC from 2014 to 2019. She just loves to pull buckthorn, garlic mustard, dog-strangling vine and seedling Norway maples.
Sign up for the time that fits your schedule!
- April 13th, 2023 9am – 11am
- April 27th, 2023 4pm – 6pm
We want to thank the Canadian Council on Invasive Species for sponsoring this event!
We are also excited to announce that this workshop has been pre-approved for 1 Continuing Education Credit under the Society for Ecological Restoration’s (SER)Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner (CERP) Program
Questions? Send all inquiries to info@oninvasives.ca