Manitoba maple (Acer negundo) is a fast-growing, short-lived dioecious, deciduous tree in the soapberry family (Sapindaceae). Manitoba Maple is native to parts of North America, including US states surrounding Ontario and the Canadian Prairies. Within Ontario however, its status as native or non-native is uncertain and a subject of controversy, due to the lack of certainty over its historical range prior to settlement. Regardless of its status, it has many invasive characteristics that have allowed it to thrive in Ontario’s riparian and urban landscapes. Manitoba maple can establish in and dominate riparian areas, forest edges, as well as shade meadows and prairies, particularly in areas with poor soil or high disturbance. As urban trees, they present risks due to their rather weak branches that break easily during wind and ice storms. The tree usually develops a strong lean by mid-life or uproots completely and then resprouts, potentially damaging infrastructure or posing a health and safety risk.
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